Open Access BASE2009

Mode of Action Frameworks in Toxicity Testing and Chemical Risk Assessment



Recently, legislative mandates worldwide are requiring systematic consideration of much larger numbers of chemicals. This necessitates more efficient and effective toxicity testing, as a basis to be more predictive in a risk assessment context. This in turn requires much more emphasis early in the design of test strategies on both potential exposure and mechanism or modes of toxicity and a resulting shift based on the latter, from hazard identification to hazard characterization in order to group substances and additionally inform development of predictive computational tools. It also requires a much better common understanding in the regulatory risk assessment community of the nature of appropriate information to inform consideration of mode of action and resulting implications for dose-response and ultimately, risk characterization. This requires a shift in focus from the previously principally qualitative considerations of toxicological science to the necessarily more predictive and quantitative focus of risk assessment and has implications for appropriate communication and training of risk assessors. Human relevance of mode of action frameworks continue to play a critical role in hypothesis generation and the systematic consideration of the weight of evidence supporting the use of mechanistic data in regulatory risk assessment. Framework analyses increase the transparency of delineation of the relative degrees of uncertainty associated with various options for consideration in dose-response and risk characterization for impacted populations. Framework analyses are also instrumental in acquiring transparency on critical data gaps that will further reduce uncertainty. As such, they force distinction of choices made on the basis of science policy versus those that are science judgment related, including reliance on default, based on erroneous premise that it is always health protective. The potential of these frameworks to increase consistency and transparency in decision making contributes to increase common ...


Utrecht University

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