Open Access BASE2018

A rare Samanid dinar struck in Mohammedia in 341 A.H. bearing the names of Prince Noah Bin Nasser and the Caliph Al-Mostafky Bi Allah


This research is concerned in publishing and studying a rare Samanid dinar struck in Mohammedia in 341 A.H., bearing the name of prince Noah Bin Nasser (331-343 A.H), and preserved in the private collection of Mr. Mohammed Omar Nato in Holy Mecca. This dinar is firstly to be published and studied through this research; which is concerned in describing the general shape of it, by clarifying its inscriptions and decorative motives, then analyzing its inscriptions and relating it to the different circumstances, especially striking Al-Mostakfy's name on it, despite his isolation in 334 A.H., which is seven years earlier than the date of the dinar under study. Besides, the reasons of minting Surat Al-Ikhlas complete on the field of the reverse. The published Samanid coins bearing Surat Al-Ikhlas were determined, and they are: a dinar struck in Mohammedia in 333 A.H. preserved in the Islamic Art Museum in Cairo, and a dirham struck in Samarkand in 357 A.H. under the name of prince Noah Bin Nasser (350-366 A.H.), published by Shabaan Kinawy, and a comparison between them and the dinar under study was made, regarding the prototype, the inscriptions, the date and circumstances of struck. Besides, another comparison between the dinar under study, and the Samanid and Buwayhid dinars struck in Mohammedia was made to clarify the differences between them and the uniqueness of the dinar under study. Thus, it is obvious that the published Samanid dinar and dirham bearing Surat Al-Ikhlas along with the dinar under study were struck during the time of the military conflict between the Samanids and the Buwaihids, which ended in 361 A.H. by reconciliation. So, in light of the above, the dinar under study is unique in its prototype, date and circumstances of struck, which firstly to be published and studied, thus, it represents a new addition to the Sammanid coins in general, and the coins of Noah Bin Nasser in particular.




EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste

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