Open Access BASE2013

CANDELS Observations Of The Environmental Dependence Of The Color-Mass-Morphology Relation At Z=1.6


We study the environmental dependence of color, stellar mass, and morphology by comparing galaxies in a forming cluster to those in the field at z = 1.6 with Hubble Space Telescope near-infrared imaging in the CANDELS/UDS field. We quantify the morphology of the galaxies using the effective radius, r(eff), and Sersic index, n. In both the cluster and field, approximately half of the bulge-dominated galaxies (n > 2) reside on the red sequence of the color-magnitude diagram, and most disk-dominated galaxies (n < 2) have colors expected for star-forming galaxies. There is weak evidence that cluster galaxies have redder rest-frame U - B colors and higher stellar masses compared to the field. Star-forming galaxies in both the cluster and field show no significant differences in their morphologies. In contrast, there is evidence that quiescent galaxies in the cluster have larger median effective radii and smaller Sersic indices compared to the field with a significance of 2 sigma. These differences are most pronounced for galaxies at clustercentric distances 1 Mpc < R-proj < 1.5 Mpc, which have low Sersic indices and possibly larger effective radii, more consistent with star-forming galaxies at this epoch and in contrast to other quiescent galaxies. We argue that star-forming galaxies are processed under the influence of the cluster environment at distances greater than the cluster-halo virial radius. Our results are consistent with models where gas accretion onto these galaxies is suppressed from processes associated with the cluster environment. ; NASA NAS5-26555 ; HST program GO-12060 ; NASA through a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute GO-12060 ; NASA through Hubble Fellowship grant HF-51269.01-A ; Space Telescope Science Institute ; Southern California Center for Galaxy Evolution ; University of California Office of Research ; QEII Fellowship from theAustralian Government ; Astronomy

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