The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze: 1). knowledge management processes on the development of activities to share and absorb knowledge, 2). Information Technology's role in accommodating the process of knowledge management. The object of this research is at Research and Development Institution of Government. This study used a qualitative analysis approach with the single case study. From the collection and analysis of data and information can be seen that: 1) The process of knowledge management in development activity to share and absorb knowledge R & D institutions of government have been run and produced several innovations through various recommendations of research results are submitted to the technical unit, 2) Utilization of information technology advances in the development of activities to share and absorb knowledge is a requirement for a functional official researcher, but there are still limited availability of computer equipment. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: 1) proses manajemen pengetahuan (knowledge management) pada pengembangan aktivitas berbagi dan menyerap pengetahuan, 2) peran Teknologi Informasi dalam mengakomodasi proses manajemen pengetahuan (knowledge management). Obyek penelitian ini adalah Lembaga LIT-BANG Pemerintah Pengambil Kebijakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis kualitatif dengansingle case study. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) prosesknowledge managementpada pengembangan aktivitas berbagi dan menyerap pengetahuan di Lembaga Litbang pemerintah telah berjalan dan telah menghasilkan beberapa inovasi melalui berbagai rekomendasi hasil penelitian yang disampaikan kepada unit teknis, 2) pemanfaatan kemajuan teknologi informasi dalam pengembangan aktivitas berbagi dan menyerap pengetahuan sudah merupakan kebutuhan bagi pejabat fungsional peneliti, namun ketersediaan perangkat komputer masih terbatas.
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