Open Access BASE2020

Индивидуально-авторская представленность ценностей в жанре политического портрета: (на материале печатных СМИ) ; Individual Authored Interpretation of Values in the Genre of Political Portrait


On the material of a number of publications from popular press, the author demonstrates a method of analysis of the axiological constituent of the genre of political portrait. This method includes four components presupposing individual authored interpretation of the portrait of a politician: a) according to genre variations of its impersonation; b) in correspondence with the list of values/antivalues correlated with the image of the politician; c) according to the posi-tive/negative evaluation of the politician; d) by the specificity of textual representation of the values correlated with the au-thor's point of view translated to the recipient of popular mass media/. ; В статье представлена схема анализа индивидуально-авторского осмысления ценностей в политическом портрете Н. С. Хрущева.

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