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Interferometric space-mode multiplexing based on binary phase plates and refractive phase shifters


A Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) that includes in an arm either a reflective image inverter or a Gouy phase shifter (RGPS) can (de)multiplex many types of modes of a few mode fiber without fundamental loss. The use of RGPSs in combination with binary phase plates for multiplexing purposes is studied for the first time, showing that the particular RGPS that shifts π the odd modes only multiplexes accurately low order modes. To overcome such a restriction, we present a new exact refractive image inverter, more compact and flexible than its reflective counterpart. Moreover, we show that these interferometers remove or reduce the crosstalk that the binary phase plates could introduce between the multiplexed modes. Finally, an experimental analysis of a MZI with both an approximated and an exact refractive image inverter is presented for the case of a bimodal multiplexing. Likewise, it is proven experimentally that a RGPS that shifts π/2 demultiplexes two odd modes which can not be achieved by any image inverter. ; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Central Government of Spain, Contract number FIS2013-46584-C2-1-R; Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional 2007-2013 (FEDER). ; SI




Optical Society of America



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