Open Access BASE2014

Gli Stati Uniti e il Guatemala. L'operazione PbSuccess

In: Eunomia; Anno II n.s., n. 2, 2013; 311-346 ; Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali; Anno II n.s., n. 2, 2013; 311-346


The present essay is the result of a research dedicated to the relationship between the U.S. and Guatemala during the first fifty years of the twentieth century. What is proposed is the analysis of the evolution of diplomatic relations between the two Amer-ican republics, through the analysis of the national policies of reform initiated by the two revolutionary government of Guatemala, then of the reasons that led the United States to authorize the Central Intelligence Agency to organize and conduct a coup against the president of that country. Consequently it was examined, in particular, the important role played by the CIA during the operation planned to overthrow the Arbenz government, and how its success changed the objectives of U.S. foreign policy in Latin America.

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