Open Access BASE2020

Transition of pulsed operation from Q-switching to continuous-wave mode-locking in a Yb:KLuW waveguide laser


We report on the diverse pulsed operation regimes of a femtosecond-laser-written Yb:KLuW channel waveguide laser emitting near 1040 nm. By the precise position tuning of a carbon-nanotube-coated saturable absorber (SA) mirror, the transition of the pulsed operation from Q-switching, Q-switched mode-locking and finally sub-GHz continuous-wave mode-locking are obtained based on the interplay of dispersion and mode area control. The Q-switched pulses exhibit typical fast SA Q-switched pulse characteristics depending on absorbed pump powers. In the Q-switched mode-locking, amplitude modulations of the mode-locked pulses on the Q-switched envelope are observed. The radio-frequency spectrum represents the coexistence of Q-switching and mode-locking signals. In the purely mode-locked operation, the waveguide laser generates 2.05-ps pulses at 0.5 GHz. ; National Research Foundation of Korea (2018H1A2AA1061480, 2019R1A2C3003504, 2020R1A4A2002828); Spanish Government (FIS2017-87970-R, MAT2016-75716-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER,UE)); Junta de Castilla y León (SA287P18); Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR755).

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