Open Access BASE2013



Indonesia with around 204 million populations is biggest Muslim country in the world.As a biggest Muslim population, there is a huge potential for the development of Islamicbanking. Islamic banking is first received more attention with the release of governmentlaws that support Islamic banking. In 1992 the first Islamic banks namely Bank MuamalatIndonesia officially operated. After that a few other Islamic banks, either in the form offull-pledge system or in the form of dual banking system were opened. Beside support fromgovernment, support for the development of Islamic banking is also coming from MajelisUlama Indonesia (MUI) and Muhammadiyah society organizations characterized bydischarge fatwa of bank interest as haram. The current market share of Islamic bank is toosmall it really does not reflect the huge potential of the Muslim population of Indonesia.Purpose of this paper is to review the development of Islamic banking in Indonesia inrecent years. This paper is using secondary data and analyzed that data by using contentanalysis. The result found that the Islamic bank's market share is only 3.2% of the overallbanking industry market share. However, if viewed in terms of asset development,financing and the number of institutions, was showing significant growth. Of course, thismarket share is too small when compared with the number of the Muslim population ofIndonesia, especially when compared with a market share of Islamic banking in otherMuslim countries. This situation suggests that Islamic banking is the only alternative, notan obligation for Muslims of Indonesia. The lower share of this market were due to the lackof consumer knowledge on Islamic banking, the lack of government commitment, poorsocialization and longer haram halal legal debate over the issue of bank interest.Keywords: Islamic banking, development, market share, Indonesia.




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