Open Access BASE2016

Integración de la metodología BIM en la programación curricular de los estudios de Grado en Arquitectura Técnica/Ingeniería de Edificación. Diseño de una propuesta


[EN] BIM is the process of creating and managing information of a construction product in a three dimensional computer model that incorporates data of all its life cycle. The Member States of the European Union have been recommended to use the BIM methodology in public funded projects since April 2016 by the Directive 2014/24/EU. Particularly, the Spanish Government has approved in 2015 the transposition of this Directive where a Commission has been created, under the auspice of the Ministerio de Fomento, for the implementation of BIM methodology in Spain from 2018. This fact implies a transformation for the building sector which has important implications for those people responsible for higher education in Engineering and Architecture: the BIM competences of the new graduates have to be ensured because of the requirements of the Directive for future professionals. Universities, then, must meet that requirement because the responsibility of the design of the degrees in our country relies on them. Moreover, they have to do it efficiently in a context of the global crisis whose effects are specially affecting the building sector. In addition, a hostile environment is around: today's valuation of this methodology is still poor, although it will be soon become compulsory by the legal requirements. After analyzing the state of the art in the building sector, in the profession of building engineer, in the legal framework related to it, in similar experiences that have occurred in other countries and taking into account the basis of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), a strategy for the integration of BIM in the curriculum of the Degree in Building Engineering is proposed. ; [ES] BIM es el proceso de creación y gestión de la información de un producto de la construcción en un modelo informático tridimensional que incorpora datos relativos a todo su ciclo de vida. La Directiva2014/24/UE sobre Contratación Pública de la Unión Europea recomienda a los estados miembros el uso de la metodología BIM en los proyectos ...

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