Open Access BASE2021

Potentiometric C2H4-Selective Detection on Solid-State Sensors Activated with Bifunctional Catalytic Nanoparticles


[EN] This work presents a solid-state ionic-based device to selectively detect C2H4 in car exhaust gases. The sensor consists of 8YSZ as the electrolyte and two electrodes: Fe0.7Cr1.3O3/8YSZ and LSM/8YSZ. The main aim of this work is to optimize the catalytic behavior of the working electrode to C2H4 and reduce cross-sensitivity toward CO and H2O. Several catalyst nanoparticles were infiltrated to tailor C2H4 adsorption and electrochemical oxidation properties while diminishing adsorption and conversion of other gas components such as CO. The infiltrated metal catalysts were selected, taking into account both adsorption and redox properties. Infiltration of Ti or Al, followed by a second infiltration of Ni, enabled the selective detection of C2H4 with low cross-sensitivity toward CO and H2O in a moist gas environment. Further insight into potentiometric C2H4 sensing is achieved by electrochemical impedance analysis of the electrodes activated with bifunctional catalysts. ; FundingFunding from the Spanish Government (Grants FPU13/03478, AP-2003-03478, and RTI2018-102161) is kindly acknowledged. ; Toldrá-Reig, F.; Serra Alfaro, JM. (2021). Potentiometric C2H4-Selective Detection on Solid-State Sensors Activated with Bifunctional Catalytic Nanoparticles. Chemosensors. 9(10):1-14. ; S ; 1 ; 14 ; 9 ; 10

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