Open Access BASE2014

Dynamic clustering segmentation applied to load profiles of energy consumption from Spanish customers


[EN] The following article describes the work of dynamic segmentation of daily load profiles throughout years 2008 and 2009, of a representative sample of Spanish residential customers. The technique applied is classification of the energy consumption time series of load profiles by means of dynamic clustering algorithms. The techniques used and analysis performed prove adequate as a fast tool to classify clients according to their energy consumption patterns, as well as to evaluate their overall energy consumption trends at a glance. The segmentation of the energy consumption load profiles is performed, and the results are analyzed and discussed. ; The works developed in this document have been possible thanks to Iberdrola Distribucion Electrica S.A.U. and the development of the GAD project. The GAD or "Active Demand Management" (in Spanish) project was a project supported by the Spanish Government, and participated by 14 different companies and 14 research centers. It was sponsored by the CDTI (Technological Development Centre of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain), and financed by the INGENIO 2010 program. ; Benítez Sánchez, IJ.; Quijano-Lopez, A.; Diez, J.; Delgado Espinos, I. (2014). Dynamic clustering segmentation applied to load profiles of energy consumption from Spanish customers. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 55:437-448. ; S ; 437 ; 448 ; 55

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