Open Access BASE2018

New Route for Valorization of Oil Mill Wastes: Isolation of Humic-Like Substances to be Employed in Solar-Driven Processes for Pollutants Removal


[EN] The valorization of olive oil mill solid wastes (OMW) has been addressed by considering it as a possible source of humic-like substances (HLSs), to be used as auxiliary substances for photo-Fenton, employing caffeine as a target pollutant to test the efficiency of this approach. The OMW-HLS isolation encompassed the OMW basic hydrolysis, followed by ultrafiltration and drying. OMW-HLS structural features have been investigated by means of laser light scattering, fluorescence, size exclusion chromatography, and thermogravimetric analysis; moreover, the capability of OMW-HLS to generate reactive species under irradiation has been investigated using spin-trap electronic paramagnetic resonance. The caffeine degradation by means of photo-Fenton process driven at pH = 5 was significantly increased by the addition of 10 mg/L of OMW-HLS. Under the mechanistic point of view, it could be hypothesized that singlet oxygen is not playing a relevant role, whereas other oxidants (mainly OH center dot radicals) can be considered as the key species in promoting caffeine degradation. ; Authors want to acknowledge the financial support of Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (CTQ2015-69832-C04) and European Union (645551-RISE-2014, MAT4-TREAT). ; García-Ballesteros, S.; Grimalt, J.; Berto, S.; Minella, M.; Laurenti, E.; Vicente Candela, R.; López Pérez, MF. (2018). New Route for Valorization of Oil Mill Wastes: Isolation of Humic-Like Substances to be Employed in Solar-Driven Processes for Pollutants Removal. ACS Omega. 3(10):13073-13080. ; S ; 13073 ; 13080 ; 3 ; 10

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