Open Access BASE2017

Rule-based topology system for spatial databases to validate complex geographic datasets


[EN] A rule-based topology software system providing a highly flexible and fast procedure to enforce integrity in spatial relationships among datasets is presented. This improved topology rule system is built over the spatial extension Jaspa. Both projects are open source, freely available software developed by the corresponding author of this paper. Currently, there is no spatial DBMS that implements a rule-based topology engine (considering that the topology rules are designed and performed in the spatial backend). If the topology rules are applied in the frontend (as in many GIS desktop programs), ArcGIS is the most advanced solution. The system presented in this paper has several major advantages over the ArcGIS approach: it can be extended with new topology rules, it has a much wider set of rules, and it can mix feature attributes with topology rules as filters. In addition, the topology rule system can work with various DBMSs, including PostgreSQL, H2 or Oracle, and the logic is performed in the spatial backend. The proposed topology system allows users to check the complex spatial relationships among features (from one or several spatial layers) that require some complex cartographic datasets, such as the data specifications proposed by INSPIRE in Europe and the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) for Cadastral data ; This work has been partially supported by the research project "Creation and cartographic feeding of spatial data Infrastructures in the local government by means of a data model that integrates cadastre, planning and cultural heritage", CSO2008-04808 from the Spanish Government (CICYT) and the European Union Funds. ; Martínez Llario, JC.; Coll-Aliaga, E.; Nuñez-Andres, M.; Femenia-Ribera, C. (2017). Rule-based topology system for spatial databases to validate complex geographic datasets. Computers & Geosciences. 103:122-132. ; S ; 122 ; 132 ; 103

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