Exploring the feasibility of using video communication within local government services:the case of advisory services for potential entrepreneurs
In: Molnar , A , Weerakkody , V & Sivarajah , U 2015 , ' Exploring the feasibility of using video communication within local government services : the case of advisory services for potential entrepreneurs ' Paper presented at British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference , Portsmouth , United Kingdom , 8/09/15 - 10/09/15 , .
This research assesses the feasibility of using video communication in an existing local government service, which advises entrepreneurs on how to set up a new business. In line with this aim, we conducted focus groups and in-depth interviews with the municipality staff presently advising the entrepreneurs in the current form the service is offered, and citizens (i.e. potential entrepreneurs) using these advisory service to find out more information about their needs and requirements a video communication service should have. The results highlight the necessity of having a good infrastructure, clear communication protocol and the necessity to address trust and confidentiality issues prior to deploying such a service. A key conclusion of this study is that neither the entrepreneurs nor the municipality staff expected the video service fully replacing the face to face communication, but complementing it and providing a better and more flexible access to citizens.
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