Open Access BASE2017

Dilution versus pollution in watercourses affected by acid mine drainage: a graphic model for the iberian pyrite belt (sw spain)


The aim of this study was to chemically charac- terize the water quality impacts of the 88 acid mine drainage (AMD) generating mines in the Spanish sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB). This was necessary because the Water Framework Directive of the European Union and the hydro- logical plans of the Tinto, Odiel, and Piedras river basins require that water quality be improved enough to allow at least some of the rivers in the IPB to sustain healthy fish populations by 2027. The results indicate a clear decrease in metals, arsenic, and sulfate concentrations and increased pH between the AMD-sources and the river channels.




E.T.S.I de Minas y Energía

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