Open Access BASE2021

Volcanism and rapid sedimentation affect the benthic communities of Deception Island, Antarctica


This work was developed within the BLUEBIO (CTM 2016-78901-R), POSVOLDEC (CTM 2016-79617-P) (AEI/FEDER-UE), CRONOANTAR (CTM 2016-77878-P), and VOLCLIMA (CGL 2015-72629-EXP/AEI) projects funded by the Spanish Government, altogether with IHM (Navy Hydrographic Spanish Institute), and IEO (Spanish Oceano-graphic Institute) support. C. A-P has been funded by the fundacion Ramon Areces. A.G. is grateful for her Ramon y Cajal contract (RYC-2012-11024). A-V, A.G. and G.K. also thank the assistance of the VOL-GASDEC project (PGC 2018-095693-B-I00) (AEI/FEDER-UE).

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