Open Access BASE2021
Taking advantage of images and texts in recommender systems: semantics and explainability
ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. RecSys´20 (14th. Virtual Event Brazil. 2020) ; This doctoral project is supervised by Assoc. Prof. Oscar Luaces and Assoc. Prof. Jorge Díez. This work was funded under grants TIN2015-65069-C2-2-R and PID2019-109238GB-C21 from the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness, and IDI-2018-000176 from the Principado de Asturias Regional Government, partially supported with ERDF funds. Pablo Pérez-Núñez acknowledges the support of the Principado de Asturias Regional Government under Severo Ochoa Program (ref. BP19-012).
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