Open Access BASE2014

Laccase/2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidinoxyl Radical (TEMPO): An Efficient Catalytic System for Selective Oxidations of Primary Hydroxy and Amino Groups in Aqueous and Biphasic Media


This research is part of BIONEXGEN project (grant agreement 266025) sponsored by the European Union inside the 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013). Financial support from MICINN (Project MICINN-12-CTQ2011-24237)is also gratefully acknowledged. We thank CLEA Technologies and Lentikats for providing some of the screened oxidases. L. M.-M. thanks the Principado de Asturias for her predoctoral fellowship Severo Ochoa. I.L. thanks the Spanish MICINN for personal funding (Ramón y Cajal Program).




Wiley-VCH Verlag



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