Open Access BASE2001

Single-Family Housing: Better Strategic Human Capital Management Needed at HUD's Homeownership Centers


A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), insures billions of dollars in home mortgage loans made by private lenders. HUD's 2020 Management Reform Plan, issued in 1997, sought to downsize and reform the agency, including its single-family mortgage insurance program. As part of its 2020 plan, HUD consolidated the single-family program's field activities at four new regional homeownership centers and specified resources for the centers. Although HUD has substantially streamlined FHA's single-family mortgage insurance programs, human capital issues remain a concern. This report reviews HUD's implementation of the homeownership center concept under the 2020 plan, focusing on (1) the deployment of center staff, (2) the training provided to the center staff, and (3) the centers' monitoring of contractors. GAO found that nearly half of the centers' staff remain in 71 field offices across the country, even though HUD envisioned that only a third of the staff would stay in the field offices. The deployment of staff across the centers is not consistent with their workload, and, as a result, the centers are having trouble supervising and making effective use of staff. GAO also found that HUD has not developed a standardized training curriculum for center staff. The centers have had difficulty using their training funds effectively because HUD provided them late in the fiscal year and then pulled back some funds before they could be used. Finally, increased responsibilities and staff shortage have caused the centers to expand their use of contractors. However, the centers' ability to monitor contractors has not kept pace with their growing reliance on them."

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