Open Access BASE2018

Towards a theorisation of sustainable territorial attractiveness ; Vers une théorisation de l'attractivité territoriale durable ; Towards a theorisation of sustainable territorial attractiveness: From the democratic anchoring of territorial cultural projects to sustainable territorial attractiveness ; Vers une théorisation de l'attractivité territoriale durable: De l'ancrage democratique des projets culturels de territoire à l'attractivité territoriale durable


The HDR manuscript supported by Edina Soldo on 13 October 2018 is the result of a retrospective and thematic analysis of her public management research work over the past fifteen years. Structured in 2 chapters, it proposes a new reading perspective, highlighting the originality and main contributions of these researches. The first chapter is an opportunity to develop her conception of public management anchored in management sciences bu also instructed by the use of related disciplines (such as law, economics or political science in particular). These studies are part of a critique of the dominant paradigm of New Public Management (NPM). The universalist nature of the solutions it promotes makes it ineffective in a context of historical, institutional and cultural contingencies, specific to the diversity of contemporary societies. Moreover, its supposed normative neutrality and its apparent intention to disconnect managerial interpretative frameworks from the issue of political values at the basis of public management, is undoubtedly its main weakness in the light of the current democratic crisis. Thus, due to a contingent and territorialized approach to issues relating to the development and implementation of public actions, the researches presented mainly mobilizes the theoretical framework of strategic territorial management (STM), whose conceptual contributions now represent a real renewal of public management. In so doing, these researches belongs to the emerging paradigm of public value management and offer an interesting reflection on the notion of democratic public management. The second chapter returns to the particularities of the cultural territorial project, central object of these researches. This object is particularly rich and generates innovative managerial practices. In particular, it highlights how the impacts of a territorial cultural project can be multidimensional, contributing to enhancing the attractiveness of local places, beyond the simple economic and marketing dimensions traditionally ...

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