Open Access BASE2010

Journalisms, discourses and readers: from the production of information to its reception, a comparative approach of three types of press ; Journalismes, discours et publics : une approche comparative de trois types de presse, de la production à la réception de l'information


The national daily press, which has been a reference up to now, has to face economic difficulties, manifested and aggravated by the emergence of new journalistic models, such as the free daily press and the on-line citizen press. This reconfiguration of the media landscape raises economic questions for newspaper companies, but also democratic ones for citizens. The aim of this study is to understand the way these three types of press function. The national daily press, first, is based on a balanced adaptation to both readers and advertisers. The free daily press, then, is focused on the conception of an industrialised product exclusively financed by advertisers. At last, the on-line citizen press proposes an editorial alternative to a daily press, which they consider to be faltering. Through the notions of "media system", "communication contract" and "frames" that govern the understanding of the social world, the stake of this work is to analyse the interdependence between the conditions in which journalistic discourse is produced, its linguistic forms and the way its message may be grasped by press readers. Applied to the discourse on energetic resources (the rise of the oil price and the law called "carbon tax"), this study is essentially comparative. It intends to articulate the socioeconomic dimensions of the journalistic production of the three aforesaid types of press, the linguistic analysis of their respective discursive products and the experimental study of their reception by readers that are characterised beforehand. ; La Presse Quotidienne Nationale (PQN), historiquement presse de référence, se trouve aujourd'hui face à des difficultés économiques, traduites et aggravées par l'émergence de nouveaux modèles journalistiques, tels que ceux de la Presse Quotidienne Gratuite (PQG) et de la Presse Indépendante en Ligne (PIL). Cette reconfiguration du paysage médiatique soulève des questions à la fois économiques pour les entreprises de presse et démocratiques pour les citoyens. Il s'agit alors de ...

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