Open Access BASE2019

From state feminism to individual projects: some theoretical and empirical reflections on female emancipation in Tibet ; From state feminism to individual projects: some theoretical and empirical reflections on female emancipation in Tibet: Presentation given at the IATS 2019, Paris (INALCO)


My paper will first trace the advent of state feminism in Tibet during the early 1950s with the foundation of the 'Tibetan Patriotic Women's Association' (Bod ljongs rgyal gces bud med tshogs pa), closely linked to the introduction of the Chinese communist regime with its mass organizations. The strong mobilization of Tibetan women during the uprising in 1959 in Tibet led to a split among its members and then to a temporary interruption of state feminism; only many years later, state feminism has been reactivated by two different movements: the 'Tibetan Women's Federation' in Tibet (Bod kyi bud med mnyam 'brel lhan tshogs) and the 'Tibetan Women's Association' (Bod kyi bud med tshogs pa) in exile, both with their respective political agendas. I will then present several examples from Tibet and exile of more individually led projects and actions in favor of women and gender equality since the last twenty years such as the 'Tibetan Nun's Project' (Bod kyi btsun ma'i las 'char), which successfully introduced the geshema degree (dge bshes ma) for nuns and female WeChat groups seeking to inform themselves about and distribute feminist ideas. Finally, my paper will ask if state feminism was, and somehow is always, a hindrance to the development of collectively led feminist movements and political empowerment in Tibetan communities.

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