Open Access BASE2018

A conceptual framework to identify key drivers for logistics and transport demand - testing the scheme for goods movement in the pharmaceutical supply chain in France and Germany ; Un cadre conceptuel pour identifier les principaux déterminants de la demande logistique et de transport - application à la logistique pharmaceutique en France et en Allemagne


International audience ; Geographical analyses regarding retail mainly stress business concentration and formations of supply chains. Hereby, main works focused on spatial re-organizations [e.g. 1]. The development of transport and factors that attract transport are rarely or even not considered. But, particularly with an eye on forecasts of increasing commercial transport, the aspect of transport influencing factors becomes more important. The authors developed a conceptual framework for analysing retailer's logistics and transport organization and its relationship to external factors. In this framework, factors that affect retailing companies are classified to different categories which are organized on three different levels: micro-, meso-, and macro-level. In this article the conceptual framework is implemented for the pharmaceutical sector in France and Germany. The authors' main assumption is that retailers' logistics and transport organization in the pharmaceutical sector in both countries are dependent to non-transport-related context. It is defined by a strictly regulated macro structure where prices, distribution, service obligations, pharmacy ownership, stocking etc. are ruled by government guidelines. As a consequence the identified indicators for logistics and transport demand are at a certain level shaped by these circumstances. ; La géographie du commerce fait état des dynamiques de concentration et de formation des chaînes logistiques, et de leurs réorganisations spatiales [e.g. 1]. Si le rôle du transport n'est que rarement considéré, sa prise en compte devient de plus en plus importante au regard de la croissance du fret. S'intéresser à la demande de transport et aux facteurs générateurs de flux prend dès lors tout son sens.Le papier propose un cadre conceptuel pour analyser les organisations logistiques et de transport des commerces et leurs déterminants, en distinguant les déterminants micro, méso et macro. Ce cadre conceptuel est appliqué au cas de la pharmacie en France et en Allemagne. ...

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