Open Access BASE2018

PENYULUHAN HUKUM KESELAMATAN LALU LINTAS: Strategi Mewujudkan Budaya Patuh Hukum Lalu Lintas


Data on accidents and traffic violations collected by the Riau Regional PoliceDirectorate and from our daily observations illustrates that the level of traffic safety and the levelof community compliance with traffic laws / legislation is very alarming, if no strategic steps aretaken. in order to increase the level of safety and increase the legal compliance of the communityit will cause harm not only to the loss of life and property and psychological but also will causelosses in the economic field. The strategy or effort to increase legal awareness of the communityas road users is basically part of orderly traffic. Strategies in increasing community legalawareness include: First, socialization or campaigns to comply with traffic regulations throughthe installation of banners and socialization. Second, Building the character of discipline. Thischaracter building can be started through the teacher's example. Therefore awareness of theinstructional teachers is undoubtedly necessary. Security, order, safety and smooth traffic areshared responsibilities. Through this counseling, the character of discipline can be transmittedto all students of Muhammadiyah 3 Vocational School Pekanbaru.

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