Open Access BASE2019

SHE school manual 2.0. a methodological guidebook to become a health promoting school


The need to update the SHE online manual emerged from the current social challenges that countries face, as emphasized in the 5th European Conference on Health Promoting Schools. Cultural and religious diversity, political and economic crisis, climate change, issues related to gender and non-communicable diseases among others are key and current issues that result in changes in the environmental and societal determinants of health; The lessons learned from the 5th European Conference on Health Promoting Schools reaffirm the importance of a strong future commitment for action from all the Schools for Health Foundation members. Based on these recommendations, joint actions are needed to move from a focus on schools only (single setting) to the integration of schools and their surrounding community services, sports clubs, hospitals, workplace, etc. (integrated multi-setting approach). Actions at the school level should always be linked with actions in the local community. One of the strategies to do so is to use co-creation processes. Therefore, this book is divided into four chapters: why a new edition of the school manual?; why become a health-promoting school?; How to become a health promoting school in five steps?; How to co-design school health promotion? ; European Union's Health Programme (2014-2020). Portuguese national funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the framework of the CIEC (Research Center for Child Studies of the University of Minho) project under the reference ...

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