Open Access BASE2017

Factores que impidieron la consolidación del servicio profesional de carrera en la administración pública federal en México en el periodo comprendido del año 2005 al 2015



Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales. Políticas Públicas ; Career professional service it was constituted in México in the year 2003 as public policy means to enter the federal government, based on the principles of competition based on merit and impartiality, principles that identify an orthodox model of public function. The papers about career professional service performance, evidence a low level of consolidation of the system in relation to administrative problems, leadership and political interference, as well as the permanence of public servants in the system. At the present thesis work it was postulated as principal objective to research, analyze and evaluate the main causes that prevented the consolidation of professional career service in the federal public administration in México from 2005 to 2015 period. During the project a qualitative and quantitative research has been conducted to achieve the objectives, a comparative analysis of non-experimental groups was made in order to identify the effectiveness of the public policy, based on the following explanatory variables: objectivity, competence based on merit and impartiality, identified in the areas of human resources and technical committee. The database used in the research was generated from the application of 2,077 elements in two observation groups (A&B), randomly selected samples from a total universe of 66,304 public contest in the period from 2005 to 2015. ; El servicio profesional de carrera se constituyó en México en el año 2003 como una herramienta de política pública para el acceso, ingreso y permanecía de capital humano en la administración pública federal con base en los principios de igualdad de oportunidades y competencia por mérito como principios fundamentales que describen un modelo ortodoxo de función pública de carácter apolítico y orientado a la especialización de funciones. La bibliografía que evidencia el desempeño del servicio profesional de carrera, demuestra un bajo grado de consolidación identificado ...

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