Open Access BASE2020

How it feels 'on the ground' : the experiences of residents from a subnational island jurisdiction


Beyond the houses of assembly, media, political hustings and the law courts, how is life on a small, subnational island jurisdiction played out? This paper is an attempt to explore and explain how islanders feel to be governed 'on the ground'. It suggests that individuals and households seek to exploit global and local offerings and opportunities in a flexibly strategic combination, as well as out of sheer necessity. SNIJ residents will suffer the achievements and failures of the various layers of political officers, at home and abroad, while typically hedging their bets. Securing double residencies, undergoing multiple stints overseas for work and education, tolerating complex transportation routes and itineraries, becomes the order of the day, every day, for those who have the resources and capabilities of doing so; and the dreams and desires of those who cannot. ; peer-reviewed

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