Open Access BASE2010

Effects of the "European Security and Defence Policy" in Greece


This paper examines the effects of the transformations and the changing notions of the national and international security, especially by the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) in Greek policies. In this frame, it discusses the debate over "new wars", as one that incorporates the rhetoric of globalization, the increasing role of information technologies, as well as the "preemptive wars" as response to "new threats". Furthermore, this paper discusses the development of the ESDP and categorizes different sets of arguments that focus on the relationship between ESPD and the nation state. These sets of arguments refer to the EU as an emerging global superpower, as an agent of governmentality in agendas of "good governance" and "humanitarian intervention", as a response to the decline of nation states in the frame of globalization and also, as a coalition where the nation state remains predominant and operates as a reference level for the EU. As far as Greece is concerned, this paper summarizes its basic foreign policy features, the problem of its high defence expenditure, its participation to several ESDP-institutions, police missions and peace- keeping operations, as well as problems that concern both the EU and Greece as a border and transition country, such as the migration from belligerent countries. ; peer-reviewed




University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association

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