The Administrative Judiciary Reforms in Serbia ; Reformy sądownictwa administracyjnego w Serbii
Judicial control of the administration in Serbia has along tradition of over 150years. Initially, this control was exercised by the Council of State, organized according to French models. After World War II, all forms of administrative judiciary were abolished and reinstated as early as 1952, when the competence to resolve administrative disputes was entrusted to common courts, which adjudicated these cases in special chambers. The last phase of the development of administrative judiciary began anew with the creation of specialized judiciary, namely with the establishment of an administrative court in 2010. This court is no longer part of the administration, as it was before World War II, but part of the judicial system. Judicial control of administration is based on the constitutionally guaranteed right to afair trial. This means that the administrative court decides within areasonable time on the basis of the law and facts established in the course of apublic hearing, and its judgment may be delivered in limited jurisdiction (resulting in acassation judgment) or full jurisdiction (where the court itself decides the case). This phase of the development of judicial control of the administration is not finished, however, as the administrative judiciary in Serbia has asingle-stage structure, and therefore administrative court proceedings are always one-instance. This raises the need for further reforms aimed at introducing two-tier administrative judiciary and increasing its efficiency. ; Sądowa kontrola administracji wSerbii ma długą, ponad 150-letnią tradycję. Początkowo kontrolę tę sprawowała Rada Stanu, zorganizowana według wzorów francuskich. Po IIwojnie światowej wszelkie przejawy sądownictwa administracyjnego zniesiono, by przywrócić je już w1952r., kiedy to kompetencję do rozstrzygania sporów administracyjnych powierzono sądom powszechnym, które wtych sprawach orzekały wramach specjalnych izb. Ostatnia faza rozwoju sądownictwa administracyjnego rozpoczęła się na nowo wraz zutworzeniem sądownictwa ...
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