De la prévention primaire des radicalisations violentes à l'éducation à la sante pour la responsabilité
International audience ; Nowadays the engagement of people in political or religious violent radicalism threatens public security. To help to solve these transcontinental problems, many countries implemented programs for the primary prevention of violent radicalization (VR), where the justice system played a leading role. However, the not-always-rigorous evaluations still tend to show the inefficiency and even the probable counter-productivity of these actions. The problematic of our theoretical article thus concerns how to implement effective prevention and scientifically evaluate its impact (which indicators to consider ?). In the first part we argue, based on the psychological literature partly dedicated to Islamist terrorism, that dogmatism and need for closure constitute a characteristic of radicalized minds. Then, on this basis and the one of a previous conceptualization, we present a pioneering theoretical model in which VR appears to close the mind, whereas effective prevention would occur on the contrary open the mind. After that, we argue about the links between openness, health, responsibility (ethics) and meditation. From this, we deduce the importance of including health education, with the purpose of responsibility, as an effective way of VR primary prevention. Our model opens up new perspectives for both education and research. It contains measurable and operational psychological indicators that can be used to study the impact of educational devices on prevention empirically, for example involving an educational tool that we have particularly studied : meditation. ; Hoy día, la incorporación de unas personas en un radicalismo violento, político o religioso, amenaza la seguridad pública. Para contribuir en solucionar estos problemas transcontinentales, varios países han puesto en obra programas de prevención primaria para las radicalizaciones violentas (RV), en las que el sistema judicial desempeña un papel preponderante. Ahora bien, las evaluaciones, no siempre rigurosas, tienden a demostrar la ...
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