Open Access BASE2019

Local Wisdom in Responding to Disaster of Merapi Eruption: Case Study of Wonolelo Village


The people who live in the Merapi area have been going on for years. Merapi is the most active volcano in Central Java that can threaten the community, but the community still exists today, of course, having local wisdom in responding to the eruption of Merapi. This study aims to determine the local wisdom of Wonolelo Village before, during, and after the Merapi eruption. In addition, to find out the historical relationship of the Merapi eruption to local wisdom and the challenges faced by Wonolelo Village in maintaining the sustainability of local wisdom. This research was used as a descriptive qualitative method. The method of collecting data is done through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data sources of this study are community leaders, spiritual leaders, and people who are more than 70 years old. Analysis of the data used is sourced triangulation based on the Miles & Huberman model. The results showed that local wisdom in responding to the Merapi eruption in Wonolelo Village still exists today. Local wisdom is divided into three segments, namely before, during, and after the eruption of Merapi. Local wisdom before the Merapi eruption is a notification that Merapi eruption activity will occur. Local wisdom in Wonolelo Village has challenges in the form of modernization and not running the local wisdom relay to young people. Keywords: Disaster, Local wisdom, Merapi volcano. References Andreastuti, S.D., Newhall, C., Dwiyanto, J. (2006). Menelusuri Kebenaran Letusan Gunung Merapi 1006. Jurnal Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 1, No. 4, Hal. 201-207. Andreastuti, S., Paripurno, E., Gunawan, H., Budianto, A., Syahbana, D., & Pallister, J. (2019). Character of community response to volcanic crises at sinabung and kelud volcanoes.Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,382, 298-310. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.01.022 Atmojo, S. E., Rusilowati, A., Dwiningrum, S. I. 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Department of Geography Education, University of Jember



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