Open Access BASE2015

Regularon development governing linguistic attention classrooms for school children of foreign nationality


Our interest in this paper is to analyze the regulatory impulse that lies behind the emergence of "special classes" to teach the official language of schooling to those new students called immigrants who arrive at Spanish schools. The question we want to answer is: what are the regional governments respond by implementing "special classes" for linguistic attention to students of foreign nationality? After a detailed description of the rules governing these classrooms in each Spanish autonomous community and see the similarities and differences, we try to identify if there is a gap between those rules and the actual practice at school. However, our response aims to go beyond description. Once the provisional nature of some of the rules has been observed, we will reflect on whether those classrooms have been designed for integration or not. Finally, we will consider if their achievements may also be developing some kind of exclusion and/or segregation.




Editorial Universidad de Granada

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