Open Access BASE2014

Genetics of Oxidative Stress in Obesity


Obesity is a multifactorial disease characterized by the excessive accumulation of fat in adipose tissue and peripheral organs. Its derived metabolic complications are mediated by the associated oxidative stress, inflammation and hypoxia. Oxidative stress is due to the excessive production of reactive oxygen species or diminished antioxidant defenses. Genetic variants, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms in antioxidant defense system genes, could alter the efficacy of these enzymes and, ultimately, the risk of obesity; thus, studies investigating the role of genetic variations in genes related to oxidative stress could be useful for better understanding the etiology of obesity and its metabolic complications. The lack of existing literature reviews in this field encouraged us to gather the findings from studies focusing on the impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms in antioxidant enzymes, oxidative stress-producing systems and transcription factor genes concerning their association with obesity risk and its phenotypes. In the future, the characterization of these single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in obese patients could contribute to the development of controlled antioxidant therapies potentially beneficial for the treatment of obesity-derived metabolic complications. ; The present study was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) (project number: PI11/02042 and PI05/1968); Redes temáticas de investigación cooperativa (RETIC), Research Network on Maternal and Child Health and Development (SAMID) RD08/0072/0028 and SAMID RD12/0026/0015; Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Innovación y Ciencia (project number: P06-CTS 2203 and PI-0296/2007). Rupérez A.I was funded by a Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU) stipend from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish Government (AP2009-0547).

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