Open Access BASE2017

A novel Taxa-specific rRNA-FISH probe for Cladosporium (Ascomycota: Davidiellaceae)


In this work a novel taxon-specific probe to detect Cladosporium was designed in silico. Probe specificity was evaluated experimentally using various model microorganisms belonging to different phylum and taxa. ; This work was co-financed by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the project "MICROTECH-ART- Microorganisms Thriving on and Endamaging Cultural Heritage -an Analytical Rapid Tool-" (PTDC/BBB-IMG/0046/2014) and by European Union, European Regional Development Fund ALENTEJO 2020 through the project "HIT3CH - HERCULES Interface for Technology Transfer and Teaming in Cultural Heritage" (ALT20-03-0246-FEDER-000004). Marina González-Pérez acknowledges FCT for the economic support through the post-doctoral grant SFRH/BPD/100754/2014.




Federación Española de Biotecnólogos

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