Open Access BASE2020

Blue Governance: Sustainable Port Governance


[Abstract] This research presents a proposal for a study of governance from the perspective presented in the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) of the European Union, which seeks to provide coherence to the problems in the maritime sector through the coordination of all stakeholders in the maritime sector. The objective of this research is to identify the barriers and the problems that occur when a Member State tries to implement the Integrated Maritime Policy in the governmental organization of marine spaces. The challenge is to achieve 'blue governance' i.e.the activation of a network of cooperation between the different stakeholders of the port sectors so as to be able to integrate the different regional, national, European and international levels with the purpose of establishing a structured, systematic collaboration framework. ; [Resumo] Esta investigación ofrece unha proposta para o estudo da gobernanza desde a perspectiva presentada na Política Marítima Integrada (PMI) da Unión Europea, que busca proporcionarlles coherencia aos problemas do sector marítimo desde a coordinación de todos os interesados. O obxectivo desta investigación é identificar as barreiras e os problemas que ocorren cando un Estado membro intenta implementar a Política Marítima Integrada na organización gobernamental de espazos mariños. O desafío que se tenta conseguir é lograr a gobernanza azul, é dicir, a activación dunha rede de cooperación entre as diferentes partes interesadas do sector portuario para poder integrar os diferentes niveis rexionais, nacionais, europeos e internacionais de cara a unha estrutura colaborativa.

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