Open Access BASE2018

Forest governance in Colombia and Ecuador: challenges to strengthen environmental democracy in the sustainable management of forest resources ; Gobernanza forestal en Colombia y Ecuador: retos para fortalecer la democracia ambiental en la gestión sostenible de los recursos forestales


Colombia and Ecuador are rich countries in natural resources and, in particular, have large areas covered by forests. Much of these territories serve as a habitat for peasant and ethnic communities, provide multiple ecosystem services and play a decisive role in the fight against climate change. This wealth is contrasted with high numbers of deforestation and soil degradation, caused by factors such as illegal logging, expansion of the agricultural and livestock frontier and mining, among others. Many rural communities base their economies on the commercialization of wild fauna and flora and timber and non-timber products. Achieving a balance between conservation and sustainable use of forest resources is a challenge of enormous magnitude for those countries. This article proposes that guaranteeing access to information, public participation and environmental justice in forestry matters, strengthens forest governance and generates economic, social and environmental benefits, for the State, the private sector and communities. Incorporating the different actors of the forest chain in the management and administration of forests will contribute to reduce the number of environmental conflicts in this sector in Colombia and Ecuador. ; Colombia y Ecuador son ricos en recursos naturales y particularmente cuentan con grandes áreas cubiertas de bosques. Gran parte de estos territorios sirve de hábitat de comunidades campesinas y étnicas, prestan múltiples servicios ecosistémicos y juegan un papel determinante en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Dicha riqueza se contrasta con altas cifras de deforestación y degradación de los suelos, generadas por factores como la tala ilegal, la expansión de la frontera agrícola y ganadera, la minería, entre otros. Muchas comunidades rurales basan sus economías en la comercialización de productos de flora y fauna silvestre, maderables y no maderables. Lograr el balance entre la conservación y el aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos forestales es un reto de enormes magnitudes ...


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Centro de Derecho Ambiental, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile

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