Open Access BASE2013

Increasing grid integration of wind energy by using ampacity techniques


The grid integration of renewable energy, particularly in Spain, supposes an important problem to deal with for Distributor System Operators (DSO). Most of the times Wind Energy Farms are located in places that are far away from the transmission networks so they have to be integrated into distribution networks that are frequently operating close to their static rate. Current regulations make almost impossible to build new overhead lines so the increase of the capacity of the existing lines is a new target for the DSO. This paper is devoted to the analysis of a new methodology and monitoring system that have been developed to overcome the existing static rates by moving the operation point of the overhead lines close to their dynamic rate. This new rate is computed by using both the IEEE and CIGRÉ algorithms and a local weather forecast. The obtained results show that this approach can increase the capacity of the lines in a significant percentage. ; This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT2011-1447-920000.


European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ)



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