Penertiban Pemberian Izin Pertambangan Berdasarkan UU Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 Tentang Mineral dan Batubara Di Kota Sawahlunto
The implementation of the Ordinance on the Indonesia mining businesses are regulated in Act No. 4 of 2009 about mineral and coal. Any person who has a business in the miing town of Sawahlunto have mandatory licenses. As for the issues examined are (1) how is the implementation of the granting of mining licenses based on Act No. 4 of 2009 about mineral and coal in the town of Sawahlunto?, (2) Whether the obstacles faced the Government town of Sawahlunto in curbing illegal mining in the town of Sawahlunto?, (3) How does law enforcement efforts in curbing illegal mining in the town of Sawahlunto?. The authors of the research methods used namely sociological legal research methods. Data used the primary data and secondary data. Data collection is carried out by the study of documents and interviews. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. Conclusion the results of the study are (1) the implementation of licensing mining in the town of Sawahlunto has in accordance with Act No.4 of 2009 about mineral and coal. (2) Obstacles faced the Government town of Sawahlunto in curbing illegal mining in the town of Sawahlunto is attitude no matter the miners and no maximum licensing socialization mine. (3) Law enforcement efforts in curbing illegal mining, the town of Sawahlunto using preventative measures and refresif.Keyword : Implementation, Regulated, Illegal Mining
Abstract of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Law, Bung Hatta University; Faculty of Law
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