Open Access BASE2019

La logométrie en histoire: Une herméneutique numérique. Exploration d'un corpus de professions de foi électorales de député-e-s (1958-2007)


For historians dealing with text, the changeover from paper to digital sources represents a major change. By expanding text archives - turned into hypertexts, un-linear and denaturalised -, the digital increases the navigation capabilities within corpora, reveals new linguistics aspects that can be observed, and transforms our reading practices. Logometry, the method using computer-assisted reading, has been contributing to these evolutions over the last four decades by proposing tools that combine qualitative reading and quantitative approaches to digital corpora, with the goal of formalising the hermeneutic interpretive process. This article will present its principle functions through its application to a corpus of electoral manifestos written under the Fifth Republic (1958-2007). ; SCOPUS: re.j ; info:eu-repo/semantics/published

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