Infrastructure de données géographiques et gestion intégrée de la zone côtière
International audience ; After an overview of the issues and the regulatory environment related to the sharing and dissemination of geographical information, this article describes the experimentation conducted for the implementation of an interagency spatial data infrastructure in two regions of France (Haute et Basse-Normandie): namely the Pole Géomatique Interservices Mer et Littoral. It aims to draw some generic lessons applicable to the development of spatial data infrastructures for Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The work carried out has analyzed the organizational and functional conditions of the use of geographic information among government departments and their partners as part of their missions on the coastal zone. Based on the development of technical and methodological recommendations on the sharing of geographic information and on an ongoing animation, the methodology has highlighted the importance of exchange between partners to complement and enhance their geomatics industry and beyond their operational efficiency. In particular, our experience shows that maintenance, sustainability and success of the operational use of a spatial data infrastructure can only be considered with political support. It also shows the role played by the leadership and management of the network partners, essential condition for achieving lean marine and coastal policy guidance on public data sets consistent, comprehensive and updated as possible, in accordance with the requirements set by the European Directive INSPIRE. ; Après une présentation générale des enjeux et du contexte réglementaire liés au partage et à la diffusion de l'information géographique, cet article décrit l'expérimentation menée sur les régions Basse et Haute Normandie dans le cadre de la Mimel (Mission Interservices Mer et Littoral), et s'attache à en tirer quelques enseignements génériques applicables à la mise en place d'infrastructures de données géographiques pour la gestion intégrée de la zone côtière. Les travaux réalisés ont permis ...
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