Open Access BASE2021

Language as an Interstate Migration Barrier – The Interesting Case of India


This article focuses on the issue of language as an interstate migration barrier in India. Nowadays, in the era of progressive globalization, when the term "global village" is accurate as never before, more and more attention is paid to the problems regarding migrations. As the result of its internal diversity and multilingualism - Indian society struggles with interstate migration barrier that is nearly non-existent in other countries. Language barrier. There are more than twenty different regional languages being used across India as official languages of particular states, but none of them could be described as the "national" language. As a consequence of that, many Indians are heavily limited in choosing their place of living and managing their education and career. The article provides detailed analysis of the roots of the problem, both historical and legal ones, as well as the evaluation of legislative measures taken in order to resolve it. The paper refers to multiple reports, statistics, and laws regarding discussed matter. Furthermore, this work also highlights the role of both legislature and society in the ongoing process of linguistic transformation. ; ; PhD candidate in the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences; judicial apprentice in the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution in Kraków ; University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Poland; ; The National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution in Kraków, Poland ; Census of India (2011). Paper 1 of 2018, Language. India, States and Union Territories. (25.05.2020). ; Chanklader, S. (1990). Language Policy and reformation of India's Federal Structure. In B. Wildstein (Ed.), Language Policy and Political Development (pp. 1-21). Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation. Retrieved from ; Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities (2016). 52nd Report of Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India. Retrieved June 16, 2020 from ; Committee of Parliament (n.d.). Committee of Parliament on Official Language Report, Compliance of Section 3(3) of the Official Languages Act, 1963. Retrieved June 16, 2020 from ; Constitution of India, 1949 (2020). Retrieved from ; Forrester, D.B. (1966). The Madras Anti-Hindi Agitation, 1965: Political Protest and its Effects on Language Policy in India. Pacific Affairs, 39(1/2), 19-36. ; Goel, P. (2018, May). Higher Education in Indian Languages. Retrieved June 11, 2020 from ; Guha, R. (2010). The Loss and Recovery of Intellectual Bilingualism. Economic and Political Weekly, 45(4), 70-71. Retrieved from ; Hardgrave, R.L. (1936). The Riots in Tamilnadu: Problems and Prospects of India's Language Crisis. Far Eastern Survey, 5(8), 399-407. ; Kawoosa, V.M. (2018). How languages intersect in India. Hindustan times. Retrieved June 22, 2020 from: ; Kumar v. Rajasthan High Court and Ors (1991). AIR 1991 Raj 33, 1990 (1) WLN 397. ; Language Commission (1956). Report of the official Language Commission. Retrieved June 18, 2020 from ; Niranjana, T. (2013). Indian Languages in Indian Higher Education. Economic and Political Weekly, 48(12), 14-19. Retrieved from ; Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (2011a). Paper 1 of 2018 – Language, with Statements 7-9. Retrieved May 31, 2020, from ; Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (2011b). Statement 8: Growth of Non-Scheduled Languages – 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011. Retrieved May 31, 2020 from ; Ramakrishnan, T. (2019, October). When Annadurai endorsed the three-language formula. Retrieved June 18, 2020 from ; Ranka v. State of Tamil Nadu (1994). 2 MLJ 281 Madras HC. ; Schiffman, H. (2000). Indian Linguistic Culture and the Genesis of Language Policy in the Subcontinent. Retrieved June 17, 2020 from ; The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. ; The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. ; The Hindu (2007, March). Karunanidhi stands firm on Tamil in High Court. Retrieved June 20, 2020 from ; The Official Languages Act, 1963. ; The Official Languages Rules, 1976. ; University Education Commission (1962). The Report of the University Education Commission (December 1948 - August 1949). Vol. 1. Retrieved June 17, 2020 from ; 5 ; 1 ; 29 ; 38

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