Open Access BASE2017

Pedagogija kao univerzitetska disciplina u Srbiji povodom 125 godina stalne Katedre za pedagogiju na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu (1892-2017) ; Pedagogy as an academic discipline in Serbia the 125th anniversary of the Pedagogy Department of the faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1892-2017)


U ovom radu se komparativno-istorijskim metodom preispituje razvoj pedagogije kao akademske discipline u Srbiji. Cilj je bio ne samo da se odrede ključne etape i determinante tog razvoja, već i njegov kontekst, te da se na taj način ponudi osnova za razmatranje savremenih i budućih perspektiva pedagoške nauke u nas. Obrada etapa razvoja pedagogije na univerzitetu, pre svega na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu, i to: konstituisanja akademske discipline, naučnoistraživačke orijentacija između dva svetska rata, socijalističkog perioda i sadašnjeg stanja, nedvosmislena je pokazala da je evropski kontekst bitno obeležio pedagošku nauku u nas. On je omogućio kako razvoj novih pedagoških profesija (pa time i novih akademskih subdisciplina), tako i afirmisanje uloge pedagoga istraživača. Paradoksalno, u vremenu političkog integrisanja u evropsku zajednicu država, upravo su evropski koreni naše nacionalne pedagoške škole,najmanje prisutni u stalnom procesu naučnog i stručnog samopreispitivanja. Prilika da se ovo autentično evropsko iskustvo naše pedagogije reafirmiše jeste 125-godišnjica Katedre za pedagogiju na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. ; This paper uses the comparative historical method to study the development of pedagogy as an academic discipline in Serbia. The aim has been not only to establish the key stages and determinants but also the context in which this development occurred, and thus provide a basis for considering the contemporary and future perspectives of pedagogy in this country. A study of the stages of the development of pedagogy as an academic discipline, primarily at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade - its establishment as an academic discipline, its scientific orientation between the two world wars, in the period of socialism and in the present day - has shown that the European context has had a significant influence on the discipline of pedagogy in Serbia. It not only enabled the development of new pedagogical professions (and thus new academic subdisciplines) but also the recognition of the role of the educationalist as researcher. Paradoxically, during the present period of political integration into the European community of states, the European roots of our national pedagogical tradition have received the least attention in the ongoing process of scholarly and professional self-reappraisal. The 125th anniversary of the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade affords an opportunity for reaffirming the authentically European experience of Serbian pedagogy. Department of Pedagogy in Serbia, the European context for the development of pedagogy as an academic discipline in Serbia.

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