Open Access BASE2013

Arhitekta Momir Korunović i ratna 1912. godina


Događaji iz ratne 1912. god., višestruko prekretničke za srpsko društvo, državu i kulturu, odrazili su se i na stvaralački put znamenitog neimara Momira Korunovića (1883-1969), čija su se ideološka polazišta usled ovih događaja uže profilisala. Osim što je produbio njegov emotivni patriotski zanos, tok prvog Balkanskog rata definitivno ga je usmerio ka ,,srpskom slogu' u arhitekturi, svojevrsnom ideološko-estetskom konstruktu kojim se nacionalna kultura opirala 'slepom podražavanju neoduhovljene tuđinštine'. Dodir sa drevnim sakralnim spomenicima na oslobođenim teritorijama dublje ga je povezao sa mitologemom srpskog srednjovekovlja, čije će graditeljske tekovine u narednim decenijama stvaralački oživeti, ne libeći se da ih osavremeni nanosima aktuelnih stilova. ; The events of the war in 1912. , the multiple turning point for the Serbian society, country and culture were reflected in a creative way on famous builder Momir Korunovic (1883-1969), whose starting point is the ideological rope profiled. Besides being deepened his emotional patriotic fervor, the course of the First Balkan War, it is definitely directed towards, 'Serbian style in architecture, a kind of ideological and aesthetic construct that national culture is resisted, blind imitation neoduhovljene tuđinštine'. Contact with ancient religious monuments in the liberated territories, the deeper it is connected with mythologemes Serbian Middle Ages, whose architectural legacy in the decades to revive creative, not hesitating to modernize the styles of deposits. It can be concluded that the upheavals of 1912 Korunovic encourage crystallization of ideology and aesthetics maturation. If the improvement in the foreign cultural centers was crucial for the adoption of common architectural lesson periods, ie formation of Pan-Slavic, including the pan-European Korunović's creation in 1912 it has definitely stimulated the search for a national style of synthetic variants to be declaratively inaugirisati as mono-ethnic'' clean''. This turn, derived from deep conviction, rather than the majority of contemporary characteristic pragmatism, was crucial for his future creative way. Besides the military, professional and personal satisfaction (starting a family), his war experience and has instilled tremendous confidence, without which later could not flourish so fertile for generations of admirers valuable construction activity.

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