Open Access BASE2018

The influence of professional development programs on four ELF public school teachers' job satisfaction and dissatisfaction


ABSTRACT: Investigating the relationship between professional development programs (PDPs) and EFL public teachers' job satisfaction and dissatisfaction permits to have a better understanding of the factors that surround in-service teachers' work and professional development. In this explanatory case study framed in a socio-cultural perspective, I investigate the job satisfaction and dissatisfaction that four EFL in-service teachers in public schools experienced after being invested in some PDPs they have had access to. Data collection included in-depth interviews, narratives and documentary analysis. The findings of the study revealed that for the four EFL teachers, the PDPs in which they have participated definitely have an influence on their job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is enhanced when PDPs address the specific needs of teachers, mainly their language proficiency and teaching methodologies; and when their work conditions and support from their school administration allow them to implement what they have learned in PDPs. Teachers' job dissatisfaction was greatly determined by the lack of impact of PDPs on teachers' promotion and salary increase as well as by the lack of academic recognition in their school contexts. In addition to this, participants expressed high levels of job dissatisfaction because the teachers' evaluation process implemented by the Colombian government at the time of the study did not take into consideration their participation in PDPs.

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