Open Access BASE2015

Angular and Energy Distributions of Electrons Produced in Arbitrary Biomaterials by Proton Impact


We present a simple method for obtaining reliable angular and energy distributions of electrons ejected from arbitrary condensed biomaterials by proton impact. Relying on a suitable description of the electronic excitation spectrum and a physically motivated relation between the ion and electron scattering angles, it yields cross sections in rather good agreement with experimental data in a broad range of ejection angles and energies, by only using as input the target composition and density. The versatility and simplicity of the method, which can be also extended to other charged particles, make it especially suited for obtaining ionization data for any complex biomaterial present in realistic cellular environments. ; The authors recognize the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and the European Regional Development Fund (Project No. FIS2010–17225). PdV acknowledges financial support from the European Union's FP7-People Program (Marie Curie Actions) within the Initial Training Network No. 608163 "ARGENT". Support from the European COST Action MP1002 NanoIBCT is gratefully acknowledged.

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