Open Access BASE2019



International audience ; Turkish Knowledge Takes on the Middle East: Sociology of a Foreign Policy Expert FieldStarting with the normalization of Turkish-Syrian relations in 1998, Turkish-Arab relations began to warm up and develop. This renewed political interest for the Middle East and, more particularly, the Arab Near East was accompanied by growing academic and media interest. When Ahmet Davutoğlu was named Minister of Foreign Affairs in the late 2000s, a constellation of individual and collective actors from the academic world, the politico-administrative field and the media stood out by virtue of their intense production and diffusion of knowledge relating to the foreign policy of the AKP government vis-à-vis this region or directly connected to Near Eastern sociopolitical developments. Multiple individual positions as well as collaborations and rivalries between actors suggested the possibility that an autonomous expert field was emerging at the junction of several sectors of activity. However, with Turkish Mideast policy called into question following the Arab uprisings, the operation and divisions of this field were revealed. ; L'intérêt universitaire turc pour le Moyen-Orient est un phénomène récent qui est resté longtemps contraint par le dogme occidentaliste et séculariste établi par Mustafa Kemal et pérennisé par les forces armées turques jusqu'à la fin du XXème siècle. Malgré cela, certaines franges de la société turques, par conservatisme religieux, binationalité, militantisme et/ou solidarité transnationaux, n'ont cessé d'entretenir des rapports étroits avec les voisins arabes de la Turquie. La normalisation des relations turco-syriennes en 1998 annonce un nouveau départ des relations turco-arabes, encourageant en particulier la formation d'un consensus entre différentes catégories d'intellectuels et divers courants idéologiques sur la nécessité pour la Turquie de renouer des relations multiples et prospères avec les pays arabes. La politique extérieure du gouvernement islamo-conservateur AKP à ...

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