Open Access BASE2020

Enhancing the human experience of learning with technology: new challenges for research into digital, open, distance & networked education ; Short Paper Book of the EDEN Research Workshop


The theme and scope of EDEN's RW11 intends to reflect the current challenges researchers face regarding the impact of the emerging digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence in the improvement of the quality and the sustainability of the human learning experience. The capability of generating, processing and managing more data and information than ever before during the teaching and learning process allows teachers as well as learners to be more in control. They can make better and more on the spot decisions on more elaborate and valid information, track learning performance more accurately and thoroughly, anticipate problems more astutely and act accordingly, collect more learning evidence, as well as assess and credit more transparently. In short, they can shape together their teaching and learning experiences more efficiently and collaboratively. By upscaling and accelerating the adoption of distance and online education across the world, the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of rethinking the educational process as an integral part of authentic digital life experience for its main actors. In this massive collective experience of change, the role of the educational institutions, teachers, learners, their families and communities is rapidly transforming. As a result, new challenges for researchers have emerged that need to be addressed. How to assure truly equitable and socially fair access to digital learning opportunities? How to conduct effective online learning in non-adult populations? How to improve teachers' and learners' digital competences for teaching and learning? How may AI and machine learning contribute to enhancing the education process and making it more flexible and personal? How can we conduct more authentic and reliable digital assessment? On the other hand, what are the ethical implications of the use of these digital technologies? How should learning processes be designed to contribute to the learners' well-being and mental health? How should quality of online learning provision be assured? These and many other questions have been emerging within the specialised research community. A community which is itself experiencing a process of expansion due to the growing interest in the field ; Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion

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