Open Access BASE2014



Pengelolaan Program Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana (1) perencanaan program; (2) pengorganisasian program; (3) pelaksanaan program; dan evaluasi program di PKBM Cahaya Pontianak Timur. Penelitian ini dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang selanjutnya dibahas maka ditemukan: (1) pengelolaan program PAUD kecenderungan baik karena pengelolaan program sudah efektif dan efisien dengan mengacu pada Rencana Kerja Harian (RKH), Rencana Kerja Mingguan (RKM), Rencana Kerja Semesteran dan Program Kerja Tahunan; (2) pengelolaan Pendidikan Keaksaraan Fungsional (KF), Pendidikan Kesetaraan, Kursus dan Keterampilan dan TBM, hanya sebatas pada saat pengajuan proposal dan belum melakukan upaya pengelolaan program yang inovatif, kreatif, dan menyeluruh; (3) pembinaan penilik hanya berupa monitoring dengan hanya memberi motivasi, pembinaan belum berorientasi kepada pengembangan program PKBM. (4)Pengelolaan PKBM diharapkan lebih inovatif dengan berorientasi pada pengembangan program dan program tidak hanya bergantung kepada bantuan pemerintah semata. Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan Program, Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat. Abstract: Management Program of Community Learning Center. Penelitian ini aims to find out how to (1) planning; (2) organizing the program; (3) the implementation of the program; and evaluation of the program at CLC Light East Pontianak. This study with a qualitative approach and case study. Based on the results of the study are discussed further found: (1) the management of early childhood programs (PAUD) tendency of good because the management of the program has been effective and efficient with respect to Plan Daily Work (RKH), Weekly Work Plan (RKM), Work Plan and Work Program Semester annual; (2) management of Functional Literacy Education (KF), Educational Equality, Courses and Skills and the TBM, it was limited at the time of submission of the proposal and has not made efforts to manage the programs that are innovative, creative, and thorough; (3) only in the form of coaching overseer monitoring with only motivating, coaching has not been oriented to the development of CLC programs. (4) CLC is expected to be more innovative which oriented to the development of the program and the program not only depend on government aid alone. Keywords: Program Management, Community Learning Center.




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