Open Access BASE2008

How to do chicha in Cordoba? Reflections on the political and material aspects of the production of chicha by Bolivian immigrants ; ¿Cómo hacer chicha en Córdoba? Reflexiones en torno a los aspectos políticos y materiales de la producción de chicha por inmigrantes bolivianos


Beverages and food might be considered as instances with a special daily routine, and with a poetic and a special gastro-politic, which implicates in the everyday reproduction and in the sense of membership in a group. In these instances different subjects and materialities convergence, which articulates in a process in which themselves are defined. From this perspective, it interests us to reflect around the «chicha» (a fermented beverage based on maize) production processes from the view of the Bolivian women immigrants and it articulation with other contexts in the city of Córdoba (Argentina). We consider that it exists a tension between the necessity to count with this beverage for certain celebrations and the difficulty to produce it, and the tension which are inscribed in the marginal situations that experience the majority of the immigrants. To approximate the gastro-politics that unfolds in these production processes, we concentrate on the trajectories of the «chichera» women, as the source materials and other necessities for its elaboration. ; Las bebidas y las comidas pueden ser consideradas como instancias con una cotidianeidad particular, y con una poética y una gastro-política específicas, que se involucran en la reproducción cotidiana y en los sentidos de pertenencia de un grupo. En esas instancias convergen distintos sujetos y materialidades que se articulan en un proceso en el que ellos mismos son definidos. Desde esta perspectiva, nos interesa reflexionar en torno de los procesos de producción de chicha (bebida fermentada a base de maíz) por parte de mujeres inmigrantes bolivianas y su articulación con otros contextos en la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina). Consideramos que existe una tensión entre la necesidad de contar con esta bebida para ciertas celebraciones y la dificultad que existe para producirla, y que dicha tensión se inscribe en las situaciones de marginalidad que experimentan la mayoría de los inmigrantes. Para aproximarnos a la gastro-política que se despliega en estos procesos de producción, nos concentraremos en las trayectorias de las mujeres chicheras, así como de las materias primas y objetos necesarios para su elaboración. AbstractBeverages and food might be considered as instances with a special daily routine, and with a poeticand a special gastro-politic, which implicates in the everyday reproduction and in the sense ofmembership in a group. In these instances different subjects and materialities convergence, whicharticulates in a process in which themselves are defined. From this perspective, it interests us toreflect around the «chicha» (a fermented beverage based on maize) production processes from the viewof the Bolivian women immigrants and it articulation with other contexts in the city of Córdoba(Argentina). We consider that it exists a tension between the necessity to count with this beverage forcertain celebrations and the difficulty to produce it, and the tension which are inscribed in the marginalsituations that experience the majority of the immigrants. To approximate the gastro-politics thatunfolds in these production processes, we concentrate on the trajectories of the «chichera» women, asthe source materials and other necessities for its elaboration.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Museo de Antropología

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